
What’s Going On Here?

One day in class, Sop offered a piece of her giant chocolate chip cookie to some classmates with whom she’d never really socialized.  The only one to accept was Mike. He got a really big piece. The two then proceeded not to speak for several months.

Eventually, under the pressure of crushing workloads and vomit-inducing deadlines, the two joined forces to pool their collective brain thinking smartness.  They forged a bond that now transcends the immense amount of space that Mike put between them by moving across the country after graduation.

As often as they can, Mike and Sop now meet up on the interwebs to discuss their respective lives, and make fun of themselves and each other about pretty much everything.  They record those discussions, and turn them into a Podcast called Keeping In Touch.

Who makes the podcast?

Mike is a dapper gentleman whose refined tastes include silk undergarments, classic automobiles, and hand-bound ancient Etruscan manuscripts. He was raised by a family of aggressive wild turkeys, but happily inherited none of their cantankerous attitudes. His favourite pastime is sorting his food by colour and shape. He can juggle two chainsaws and a medium sized coffee table, but only when no one is watching. He is an avid breeder of zooplankton, and the heartiness and loyal obedience of his prized copepods are internationally renowned, and unmatched in the Aquafarming world.

Sop is a primarily human adult, currently living in a tiny yurt in the middle of a Walmart parking lot. She gets along very well with the locals, and has set up a barter economy in which she exchanges her miniature hand-crafted glass and twig based sculptures for different, slightly larger hand-crafted glass and twig based sculptures. Her favourite colour is puce, Her favourite movie is Gigli, and her favourite animal is her pet rock, Angelo. She has always wanted to visit a water park, but has a crippling phobia of slides. She once ate her way through an entire bowl of aquarium gravel before realizing she’d forgotten the barbecue sauce.

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